From the Monitored Entities tab, confirm that the user you are testing is either among “Selected Users” or that “All Users in Active Directory” is enabled.
From the Monitoring Settings > Password Changes tab, uncheck “Check passwords during password resets” so that you can create a bad password for the test user.
From the Monitoring Settings > Continuous Password Protection tab, make sure the feature is marked “Enabled” and the “Notify affected user by email when their password is compromised” is selected.
(Optional) From the Monitoring Settings > Admin Notifications tab, add your email address to receive a separate Administrator notification.
From the Active Directory Users and Computers, reset the password to a known compromised password: Password123!
Wait for the Continuous Monitoring cycle to complete which may take up to 24 hours.
Check your inbox from [email protected] with the subject “Enzoic for Active Directory Alert”. You may need to whitelist mail from Below is a sample email of what the notification will look like: